DHD Demo Tour Maldives

Welcome to The DHD Experience

In the 2019 season, Blue Ocean Maldives together with the prestigious Australian surf brand DHD and thanks to its official distributor in Spain Windparadise; were able to offer our customers the opportunity to get to try and test the different models of this worldwide brand. In addition, we count on the collaboration of other brands of well-known prestige, such as Hydroflask within our plastic-free Maldives project, Eqlove as a sunblock that cares for and protects corals, in addition to paraffin from BCN Wax.

In 2020 we had to put everything on hold due to the global pandemic, but in 2021 we began our DHD surf trips again and in the season starting this 2022 we will offer all our clients who wish to surf the perfect waves in Maldives with DHD surfboards, the opportunity of being able to try this prestigious brand.